Saturday, March 27, 2010


That thudding sound is some top plod at Hampshire Police banging their head on the desk, after yet another 'we broke down the wrong door, held the wrong person in the cells and stole their DNA' case. The officers who goofed were isntructed to go back and apologize - so they took a bunch of flowers and a bottle of beer.

Yes. They really are that stupid.

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Friday, March 05, 2010


Dear old Hampshire Police, my local amusement factory. Today they managed to arrest the men running a cannabis factory in Basingstoke - but only after one of them jumped out of a window straight into the arms of two coppers, who promptly let him go! Fortunately a passing driver managed to show more preparation, and blocked the escape route, enabling them to (eventually) catch their target. What were they doing - trying to catch him speeding?

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