Friday, August 24, 2007


Hampshire Police are spending their money (which they keep telling us is never enough) on sending officers to skateboarding courses at Lee-on-the-Solent. Why bother - this is the 'force' which,earlier this year, failed to chase two bike thieves because the five officers on duty were 'afraid the thieves might fall off'. And the 'force' whiuch, last year, was forced to admit that nearly one in three of its officers had a criminal record. Still, at least when the Hog Plogs fall off, they can have a long time to recuperate, all at the public's expense.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Beaten up? Assaulted? Are we bovvered?

Beaten up by a thug? Then better pray you're not in Hampshire. Businessman Pete Bayliss made the mistake of calling Hampshire Police after a thug assaulted his son Chris, only to be told that he should instead phone his MP. And Hampshire Police's response now? Are they disciplining the sub-moron who answers phones in this way? Are they heck! "We regret that the verbal response to this call was not in accordance with our usual high standards (please stop laughing at the back) and as a result professional development will be provided for the call handler." Pathetic! The only professional development this 'public servant' needs is a rocket right up where the sun don't shine!

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